Tuesday May 12, 2020
Episode #102 Elizabeth Smart
Define Yourself | Join us for this powerful conversation with bestselling author and renowned inspirational speaker, Elizabeth Smart, as she shares remarkable stories of remarkable people who chose not to let trauma and tragedy define who they have become. Subscribe to the FranklinCovey On Leadership email newsletter and receive weekly videos, tools, articles, and podcasts to help you become a better leader. ow.ly/tH5E30kAxfj Forgiveness Standards: In most areas of life, we’re all striving to raise our standards. In terms of forgiveness, it may be one area where we can finally feel great about lowering our standards. https://resources.franklincovey.com/blog/forgiveness-standards?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=on_leadership Become a Transition Person: Break the cycle of unhealthy behaviors and move forward with new habits of effectiveness. http://pages.franklincovey.com/2020-Q3-NL-May12_Newsletter-Tool-Download.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=tool&utm_campaign=on_leadership